Are there customers in the shop

Are there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shop
Are there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shop
Are there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shopAre there customers in the shop